Workshop on Design, Development and Testing of Unmanned Vehicle Systems

The MED 2022 conference will feature a half-day workshop on Design, development and testing of unmanned vehicle systems on Tuesday afternoon, June 28, 2022. (Here is the detailed description and schedule.) The aim of this workshop is to present some of the open source tools used for the development and testing of a designed system of unmanned agents. Two applications and the relevant proposed systems will be introduced; one for target detection, tracking, localization and following by an optical camera equipped UAV, and one for Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) designed to support UAV traffic demand in urban areas.

How to register for the workshop?

There are two options:

Option 1) Workshop + conference registration

See registration.

Option 2) Workshop-only registration

To register for the workshop only (meaning you are attending the workshop, but not the main conference), use the appropriate option in the Step 3 of the usual registration process through PaperCept. (The registration process is organized in four Registration Steps: 1. Create/Update Profile — 2. Select Membership — 3. Select Events — 4. Confirm Payment.)

Go to, select conference “MED 2022”, enter your PIN and Password and click on Login.

In the first registration step, you can check (and modify) your personal profile and continue with the registration (click on Register now).

In the second step, you can select your status (regular/student) and type of participation (in-person/virtual), and in the third step (snapshot below), you select the “Workshops only” option for registration.

In the third step, you can select the desired workshop.

(The remaining steps are self-explanatory).