Online Author Registration, final paper and video upload starts on April 20. Non-authors may also register by following the same steps described next.

Registration steps

To register for MED 2022:

  • Go to the PaperCept registration page at:
  • In the Login section, under “Select a Conference”, select “MED 2022” in the list of conferences, and enter your PIN and Password.
    • First time users must create a ‘profile’, to get a PIN and Password.
  • After you Log in, please read the instructions carefully, scroll down and follow the link “Register now“.
  • Follow the self-explained screens to register.

Final paper upload

  • Once you complete the registration steps above, follow the steps to upload your paper.
  • You must complete and submit the Copyright Form – this is crucial for your paper to appear on IEEE Xplore.

All accepted papers must be uploaded.

Video upload

Video upload is mandatory only for playback remote presentations. Authors of accepted papers may also upload the video presentation of their paper.

  • Video presentation upload is mandatory for all virtual (non-physical) presentations.
  • We encourage video uploads even for physical presentations.
  • Sign the consent form.

The requirements for the video paper presentation are:

  • Min resolution: 480 horizontal lines
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Extension: mp4
  • Max. file size: 100MB
  • Duration: 18 minutes – sharp (this is very important for continuity and consistency purposes).
  • Make sure that a ‘window’ of the author presenting the paper is shown on the upper right corner showing her/him speaking.
  • Make sure sound/audio is clear.

For remote presentations, platform and access details will be communicated before the conference.