Registration is now open.
How to register step-by-step
- Go to PaperCept at
- Find (Crtl+F) conference MED 2022.
- Click on the link “Register for MED’22”
- You will be directed to the Conference Registration Login.
- Select a Conference MED 2022, enter your PIN and Password, click on Login.
- You will enter the registration site (Registration Steps: 1.Create/Update Profile).
- Click on Register Now and follow the registration steps.

Registration fees and policy
Effective with the 2022 annual conference, the registration fee structure will be slightly modified to account for both physical and virtual presence. This is essential as the annual technical conference, including workshops and tutorials will continue to be of hybrid structure.
Registration is and will be mandatory for all conference participants, authors, and non-authors. Registration fees are in USD ($).
Registration Fee |
Attendee Status | Advance/early April 15 - May 10 | Late/Onsite May 11 - July 1 | Max. # of papers per registration |
Regular Registration w/ 2 papers (Physical Presence) | $660 | $790 | 2 |
Regular Registration w/ 1 paper (Physical Presence) | $540 | $670 | 1 |
Regular Registration (Virtual Presence) | $400 | $480 | 2 |
Student Registration (Physical Presence) | $350 | $420 | 1 |
Student Registration (Virtual Presence) | $300 | $360 | 1 |
Retiree | $200 | $240 | - |
Half-Day Workshop (Physical Presence) | $130 | $160 | - |
Half-Day Workshop (Virtual Presence) | $70 | $85 | - |
Full-Day Workshop (Physical Presence) | $200 | $240 | - |
Full-Day Workshop (Virtual Presence) | $100 | $120 | - |
Extra paper (above 2) upload fee per paper | $240 | - | - |
Additional one-page charge (max. 2 pages) | $130 | - | - |
Extra Welcome Reception Ticket | $50 | - | - |
Extra Farewell Reception Ticket | $50 | - | - |
Extra Banquet Ticket | $100 | - | - |
Extra Proceedings | $50 | - | - |
Regular registration includes: Access to all technical sessions, exhibits, coffee breaks, banquet, and receptions. It also includes a copy of the conference proceedings. Virtual presence does not include on-site events (coffee-breaks, exhibition, banquet, and receptions).
Student registration includes: Access to all technical sessions, exhibits, coffee breaks, and receptions. It also includes a copy of the conference proceedings. Virtual presence does not include on-site events (coffee-breaks, exhibition and receptions).
Workshop registration includes: Access to workshop sessions, workshop notes in electronic format and coffee breaks. Virtual presence does not include coffee breaks.
Internet access: All registered participants will have complimentary Internet access.
Author registration
Authors of accepted papers must register when uploading the final versions of their papers. The type of registration and the maximum number of final papers covered by one registration of a given type are listed in the table above. A regular registration with physical presence is offered in two options, covering one (1) or two (2) papers; and a regular registration with virtual presence covers two (2) papers.
Exhibitor/sponsor registration
Complimentary registration is included in exhibitor and sponsor packages.
Registration cancellation and refund policy
MED ’22 is a four-day event, starting with Workshop/Tutorial sessions (day 1), followed by a three-day Conference (days 2-4). Registration cancellation and refund policy is as follows:
- 60 days or more before MED ’22: 100% refund except credit card processing fees;
- 30-59 days before MED ’22: 50% refund except credit card processing fees;
- Less than 30 days before MED ’22: No refund.