Registration link

You can register for the conference at the following link:

On-site registration

The Registration Desk will open on Tuesday, June 11, at 3 PM.

Registration fees and policy

The 2024 MED Registration Fee structure considers a physical presence conference. Registration is mandatory for all conference participants, authors, and non-authors. Registration fees are in USD ($).

Attendee StatusAdvance/early April 10 - May 6Late/Onsite May 7 - June 11Max. # of papers per registration
Regular Registration$600$7002
Student Registration$320$3801
Full Day Workshop / Tutorial$200$240-
Half-Day Workshop / Tutorial$120$140-
Extra paper (above 2) upload fee per paper$240--
Additional one-page charge (max. 2 pages)$130--
Guest Registration (all social events)$180$200 
Extra Welcome Reception Ticket$50$50-
Extra Farewell Reception Ticket$50$50-
Extra Banquet Ticket$100$100-
 Registration Fee

Full registration includes access to all technical sessions, proceedings, exhibits, coffee breaks, banquet, and receptions. It also includes a copy of the conference proceedings.
Student registration includes access to all technical sessions, proceedings, exhibits, coffee breaks, and receptions.

Internet access: All registered participants will have complimentary Internet access.

Registration cancellation and refund policy

MED is a four-day event, starting with Workshop/Tutorial sessions (day 1), followed by a three-day Conference (days 2-4). The cancellation policy is as follows:

  • 60 days or more before the conference: 100% refund except for credit card processing fees.
  • 30-59 days before MED: 50% refund except for credit card processing fees.
  • Less than 30 days before MED: No refund.

Author registration

Authors of accepted papers must register when uploading the final versions of their papers. The maximum number of final papers covered by one registration of a given type is listed in the table above. A regular registration covers two (2) papers.

Exhibitor/sponsor registration

Complimentary registration is included in exhibitor and sponsor packages.