The theme of MED’22 centers on the control and automation challenges and opportunities in the 21st century, focusing on system design for autonomy and resilience in high confidence cyber physical systems. The international conference committee is soliciting technical papers, as well as invited session, Read More
Recent Posts
Important dates
April 15, 2022: Acceptance / rejection notification
May 10, 2022: Upload final, camera ready papers
April 15 – May 10, 2022: Early/author registration
June 28 – July 1, 2022: Conference dates
May 10, 2022: Upload final, camera ready papers
April 15 – May 10, 2022: Early/author registration
June 28 – July 1, 2022: Conference dates
Best paper award
Technical cosponsorship
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems Association, Inc.
Past conferences
In 2022, the Mediterranean Control Association - the parent organization of the Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the conference series! Here is the list of the previous 29 MED conferences.