(in reverse chronological order)
Select time period: [ >> 2020 ] [ 2019 >> 2010 ] [ 2009 >> 2000 ] [ 1999 >> 1993 ]
MED plenary talks back to 2020
MED ’24: Chania, Crete, Greece: June 11-14, 2024 |
“Addressing complexity in contemporary applications via data-driven and distributed optimization” Maria Prandini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
“Human-Level Performance with Autonomous Vision-based Drones” Davide Scaramuzza, University of Zurich, Switzerland |
“Video Games: The Ultimate Launchpad for Automation and Control” Georgios N. Yannakakis, University of Malta and modl.ai, Malta |
MED ’23: Limassol, Cyprus: June 26-29, 2023 |
“Resilient Robotic Autonomy: Methods and Systems” Kostas Alexis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway |
“Traffic Control Using Automated Vehicles: Distributed Sensing, Actuation, and Learning” Karl H. Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
“Bridging the Gap in Prediction, Optimization, and Control of Integrated Dynamic Systems” Jing Sun, University of Michigan, USA |
MED ’22: Athens, Greece: June 22-25, 2022 |
“Data-driven MPC: from linear to nonlinear systems with guarantees” Frank Allgöwer, University of Stuttgart, Germany |
“High performance control for robots in extreme environments” Sandra Hirche, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
“Data enabled predictive control” John Lygeros, ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
“Control Intelligence in Agriculture 4.0” Nick Sigrimis, Agricultural University of Athens and Geosmart.gr, Greece |
MED ’21: Bari, Puglia, Italy: June 22-25, 2021 |
“Towards Deep Decarbonization and Autonomous Power Grids” Anuradha Annaswamy, MIT, USA |
“FAST with Electric Vehicles” Anna Stefanopoulou, University of Michigan |
“Distributed optimal control in complex multi-robot and energy networks” Giuseppe Notarstefano, University of Bologna, Italy |
MED ’20: Saint-Raphaël, France: September 16-18, 2020 |
“Modeling, estimation, and control in deep brain stimulation” Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden |
“Passivity theory in cooperative control: A network optimization perspective” Daniel Zelazo, Technion and Philadelphia Flight Control Laboratory |
“Civil aircraft reduced order modelling, control and validation: numerical and experimental challenges” Charles Poussot-Vassal, ONERA, Department of Systems and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France |
Select time period: [ 2029 >> 2020 ] [ 2019 >> 2010 ] [ 2009 >> 2000 ] [ 1999 >> 1993 ]
MED plenary talks from 2019 back to 2010
(in reverse chronological order)
MED’19: Akko, Israel: July 1-4, 2019 |
“Electrical Excitation in Biological Cells: A Case for Control-Oriented Modelling” Shimon Marom, Technion, Israel |
“Feedback Control for Predictable Cloud Computing” Martina Maggio, Lund University, Sweden |
“Control of Power Converters in Low-Inertia Power Systems” Florian Dörfler, ETH, Switzerland |
MED ’18: Zadar, Croatia: June 19-22, 2018 |
“Back to the Roots: Multivariate Polynomial Optimization by Numerical Linear Algebra” Bart De Moor, KU Leuven, Belgium |
“Multiagent Decision Making: Learning from Observations” Maryam Kamgarpour, ETH, Switzerland |
“Robotics and Wireless Communications: Opportunities and Challenges” Yasamin Mostofi, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA |
MED ’17: Valletta, Malta: July 3-6, 2017 |
“Research in the Flying Machine Arena” Raffaello D’Andrea, ETH, Switzerland |
“Modelling, Estimation and Identification of Spatio-Temporal and Multiscale Systems” Visakan Kadirkamanathan, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom |
“Distributed Fault Diagnosis of Interconnected Cyber-Physical Systems” Marios Polycarpou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
MED ’16: Athens, Greece: June 21-24, 2016 |
“Nonlinear control without PDEs” Alessandro Astolfi, Imperial College, United Kingdom |
“Unmanned Vehicles Systems – From Necessity to Maturity” David Harari, Aerospace Industries, Israel |
“How we can Halt a Runaway Climate” Yannis A. Phillis, Technical University of Crete, Greece |
“Walking and Flying Robots for Challenging Environments” Roland Siegwart, ETH, Switzerland |
“Uncertainty Randomization in Control Systems” Roberto Tempo, Polytechnic of Torino, Italy |
MED ’15: Torremolinos, Spain: June 16-19, 2015 |
“The Art of Tuning a PID Controller” Tore Hägglund, Lund University, Sweden |
“Discrete and Fluid Petri Nets: Dealing with Individuals, Dealing with Populations” Manuel Silva, University of Zaragoza, Spain |
“Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems: Smaller, Smarter, Specialized Teams” Magnus Egerstedt, Georgia Tech, USA |
MED ’14: Palermo, Italy: June 16-19, 2014 |
“Performance Bounds and Suboptimal Policies for Multi-Period Investment” Stephen P. Boyd, Stanford University, USA |
“Resilience and Risk in Networked Systems” Munther A. Dahleh, MIT, USA |
“Feedback Control of Living Cells” Mustafa Khammash, ETH, Switzerland |
MED ’13: Crete, Greece: June 25-28, 2013 |
“Cooperating UAS: From Information Acquisition to Physical Interactions” Anibal Ollero, University of Seville, Spain |
“Cooperative Control: Optimality, Differential Games, and Reinforcement Learning on Graphs” Frank L. Lewis, University of Texas-Arlington, USA |
“A Distributed Networked Approach to Fault Diagnosis of Large Scale Systems” Thomas Parisini, Imperial College, United Kingdom |
“Robust Adaptive Control: Interpretations, Expectations and Reality” Petros A. Ioannou, University of Southern California |
MED ’12: Barcelona, Spain: July 3-6, 2012 |
“Controlling the Data Deluge” Mario Sznaier, Northeastern University, USA |
“Identification and control: the two inseparable friends cooperating for the solution of automation problems over more than five decades” Sergio Bittanti, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy |
“Adaptive Control in Neurorobotics” Alicia Casais, Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain |
MED ’11: Corfu, Greece: June 20-23, 2011 |
“Control for railways – active suspensions and other opportunities” Roger Goodall, University of Loughborough, United Kingdom |
“Cooperative Networked Systems: Multiple Graphs, Coalitional Games, New Probabilistic Models” John S. Baras, University of Maryland, USA |
“Verification and Control of Hybrid Systems using Reachability Analysis” Claire Tomlin, University of California-Berkeley, USA |
“Averaging algorithms and distributed anonymous discrete function computation” John N. Tsitsiklis, MIT, USA |
MED ’10: Marrakech, Morocco: June 23-25, 2010 |
“Fault Tolerant Control Design: the general frame and some recent results” Marcel Staroswiecki, University of Lille, France |
“Cooperative Control and Optimization in an uncertain asynchronous wireless networked world” Christos G. Cassandras, Boston University, USA |
“Novel Extensions of Smith Predictors for MIMO Systems with Multiple I/O Delays” Zalman J. Palmor, Technion, Israel |
“The polytonic/fuzzy approach for non-linear control: advantages and drawbacks” Antonio Sala, Technical University of Valencia, Spain |
Select time period: [ 2029 >> 2020 ] [ 2019 >> 2010 ] [ 2009 >> 2000 ] [ 1999 >> 1993 ]
MED plenary talks from 2009 back to 2000
(in reverse chronological order)
MED ’09: Thessaloniki, Greece: June 24-26, 2009 |
“Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems” Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California, USA |
“Nonlinear Regulation Control – Evolution of the Internal Model Principle: From Linear to Nonlinear” Jie Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
“Linear Multivariable Control. Methods & Philosophy of the Algebraic Approach” Tony Vardulakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
“European Research Initiatives in Control and Funding opportunities” Libor Kral, Alkis Konstantellos, European Commission |
MED ’08: Ajaccio-Corsica, France: June 25-27, 2008 |
“Infinite-Dimensional Backstepping and Applications to Flows in Electromagnetic Fields” Miroslav Krstic, University of California-San Diego, USA |
“Delay effects on stability of interconnected systems. A control perspective” Silviu-Iulan Niculescu, CNRS, France |
“Stochastic modeling techniques for the dependability analysis of DES” Andrea Bobbio, University of Piemonte, Italy |
MED ’07: Athens, Greece: June 27-29, 2007 |
“Why Industry Needs Improved and Practical Nonlinear Control: A Challenge for Today” Mike J. Grimble, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom |
“Hierarchical Control – Reconciling Hybrid Systems Theory and Control Applications” Joerg Raisch, Techical University-Berlin, Germany |
“Wireless Control Systems: Scientific Challenges and Emerging Applications” Karl Henrik Johansson, KTH, Sweden |
“Control Systems Architectures for the Process Industries” Tariq Samad, Honeywell, USA |
MED’06: Ancona, Italy: June 28-30, 2006 |
“Aerospace Controls: The Way Forward” Siva S. Banda, Air-Force, Wright-Patterson Air-Force, USA |
“Systems Biology of Group Decision Making” Kevin M. Passino, The Ohio State University, USA |
“Control Oriented Models and Feedback Design in Fluid Flow Systems: A Review” Gilead Tadmor, Northeastern University, USA; Bernd R. Noack, Berlin University of Technology, Germany; Marek Morzynski, Poznań University of Technology, Poznan, Poland |
MED ’05: Limassol, Cyprus: 27-29 June 2005 |
“On Cooperative Control” Christos Cassandras, Boston University, USA |
“On Systems Biology” Eduardo Sontag, Rutgers University, USA |
“On Nanomanufacturing” Julie Chen, NSF, USA |
MED ’04: Kusadasi, Turkey: 6-9 June 2004 |
“Human-Centered Robotics” Oussama Khatib, Stanford University, USA |
“A Map of the World of Learning and Optimization” Xi-Ren Cao, University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong |
“Intelligent Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Improved Autonomy and Reliability” George J. Vachtsevanos, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
“TerraMax: The Autonomous, Off-Road Vehicle” Umit Ozgüner, The Ohio State University, USA |
MED ’03: Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece: 18-20 June 2003 |
“Control of Networked Embedded Systems” Panos Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame, USA |
“Advances in Robotics and Mechatronics: From Space to Surgery” Gerd Hirzinger, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt, Germany |
“Hybrid Systems – A Control Engineering Perspective” Manfred Morari, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland |
“Control of Networks of Unmanned Vehicles” Shankar Sastry, University of California-Berkeley, USA |
MED’02: Lisbon, Portugal: 9-13 July 2002 |
“Domestic Robots” H. I. Christensen, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
“Robustness and Complexity” J. C. Doyle, California Institute of Technology, USA |
“Automating Control Design and Implementation” P. Varaiya, Univ. California at Berkeley, USA |
“Variational Methods in Computer Vision” O. Faugeras, INRIA, France |
“Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks: Analysis, Protocols, Architecture, and Convergence” R. Kumar, University of Illinois, USA |
“From ‘Simple’ to ‘Complex’ Systems: Lessons and Examples” M. A. Dahleh, MIT, USA |
“High-Performance Structures: Dynamics and Control” E. Crawley , MIT, USA |
“Systems Theory for Long-Term Investment” D. G. Luenberger, Stanford University, USA |
MED ’01: Hotel Excelsior, Dubrovnik, Croatia: 27-29 June 2001 |
“Future Research Directions in Systems and Control” Michael Athans, MIT, USA |
“Non-Linear and Adaptive Control: An Abbreviated Status Report” Petar Kokotovic, Murat Arcak, University of California – Santa Barbara, USA |
“The Role of Mediterranean Countries in the History of Science and Technology” Vladimir Muljevic, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
“From Computing with Numbers to Computing with Words – From Manipulation of Measurements to Manipulation of Perceptions” Lotfi Zadeh, University of California – Berkeley, USA |
MED ’00: University of Patras, Rio, Greece: 17-19 July 2000 |
“Challenges for Systems and Control in the Knowledge Based Society” G. Metakides, European Commission; Shankar Sastry, University of California – Berkeley, USA |
Select time period: [ 2029 >> 2020 ] [ 2019 >> 2010 ] [ 2009 >> 2000 ] [ 1999 >> 1993 ]
MED plenary talks from 1999 back to 1993
(in reverse chronological order)
MED ’99: Dan Panorama Hotel, Haifa, Israel: 28-30 June 1999 |
“Identification and Robust Control: Bridging the Gap” Graham Goodwin, The University of Newcastle, Australia |
“Control of Hybrid Systems and Some Applications” Michael Heymann, Technion, Israel |
“Optimization over Linear Matrix Inequalities” Stephen Boyd, Stanford University, USA |
“Target Tracking and Data Fusion: How to Get the Most Out of Your Sensors” Yaakov Bar-Shalom, University of Connecticut, USA |
“Deep Space Control Challenges of the New Millenium” David Bayard, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA |
MED ’98: Sardinia, Italy: 9-11 June 1998 |
– Plenaries Not Available – |
MED ’97: Paphos, Cyprus: 21-23 July 1997 |
“Logic, Mathematical Programming and Hybrid Systems” Sanjoy Mitter, MIT, USA |
MED ’96: Chania, Crete, Greece: 10-13 June 1996 |
“Criteria for Uniform Approximation Using Dynamical Neural Networks” Frank L. Lewis, University of Texas-Arlington, USA |
“Future Directions for Information Technologies and Process Control” Dave Boland, ICI, United Kingdom |
“Algebraic Design Methods” Vladimir Kucera, Institute of Information Sciences & Automation, Czech Republic |
MED ’95: Limassol, Cyprus: 11-13 July 1995 |
– Plenaries Not Available – |
MED ’94: Chania, Crete, Greece: 19-21 June 1994 |
– Plenaries Not Available – |
MED ’93: Chania, Crete, Greece: 21-23 June 1993 |
“Lecture on Intelligent Control” George N. Saridis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA |
“Lecture on Neural Networks for Control, Identification, and Diagnosis” Herbert E. Rauch, Lockheed, USA |
Select time period: [ 2029 >> 2020 ] [ 2019 >> 2010 ] [ 2009 >> 2000 ] [ 1999 >> 1993 ]