Founders Award
The Mediterranean Control Associations has established an award, called the MCA Founders Award, “To recognize significant technical contributions or outstanding long-term service to the Mediterranean Control Association and the Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.”
Founders Award Recipients
2005 – Manolis Christodoulou, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
Presented: MED ’05 Conference, Cyprus. June 2005. View plaque here.
Ktesibios Award
The MCA Ktesibios Award, first awarded in 2000, has been established to recognize exceptional contributions to theory, design, or practice in the areas of systems, control, or automation. These contributions should not only be outstanding, but also sustained over a long period of time. The recipient should have a demonstrated record of scientific and professional activities that have directly impacted countries in the Mediterranean region. The award is presented annually on recommendation of the MCA Awards Board and is a silver replica of a “Kantharos,” an ancient drinking vessel.
Ktesibios Award Recipients
- 2003: Professor Emeritus George N. Saridis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
- 2002: Professor Michael Athans, Institute of Superior Technology, Portugal, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Website)
- 2001: Professor Spyros Tzafestas, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (Website)
- 2000: Professor Alberto Isidori, Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy (Website)